June 24-26 2016 Premier Toys, Dolls, Marbles & Figural Cast Iron
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This lot is closed for bidding. Bidding ended on 6/25/2016
This is a classic Steiff bear cub from the early 1900's. This bear is five ways jointed, excelsior and softly stuffed, and made from blonde mohair which is long, clean, and has great coverage. His paw pads have all been very nicely replaced many years ago. He has black shoe button eyes, a faded black stitched nose, and black claw stitching. His stitching is original; his mouth floss has been secured with tiny and all but invisible same color stitches. Ted has long arms with curved wrists, long narrow feet, a back hump, a prominent muzzle, and the proportions of a classic turn-of-last century Steiff bear. He wears a handmade, hand embroidered vest of the same era that was put on him by his original owner shortly after adopting him. The bear was given to a 3 year old boy in France in 1906 and has traveled the world, having lived in England and the US. Provenance: From a fine NJ collection. Condition: As noted. Nonworking growler, otherwise very good.

Item Dimensions: 13" T.
Current Bidding
Minimum Bid: $250.00
Final prices include buyers premium: $900.00
Estimate: $1,000 - $2,000
Number Bids: 1
Auction closed on Saturday, June 25, 2016.
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