February 2-27, 2023 Internet Only General Collectibles
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Lot of four Huntley & Palmer biscuit tins. The first is "Showman", c. 1893, with a picture on the lid of a man leading a bear and on the front a Punch & Judy puppet show with children watching, a goat balancing on a ball, a clown, a dog perform, acrobats performing on the street. On the back is a pair of elephants. The second is "Seaside", c. 1890, with very nice illustrations of Victorian children and adults on the beach making sandcastles with sand pails, and on the lid are children riding a go-kart. It is scuffed and scratched all over. Third is a "Baronial Hall", c. 1887, with some minor scuffs. Fourth is a "Children's Party", c. 1885, with children depicted on the lid having a Christmas party, four images in the corner and decorated with holly and mistletoe. There is an image of a sad-looking man with a red outfit, probably Father Christmas or Santa Claus.

Condition: (Very Good - Excellent).

Item Dimensions: Largest: 7" x 5 - 1/2" x 6 - 1/2".
Current Bidding
Minimum Bid: $30.00
Current Bid: $60.00
Estimate: $100 - $300
Number Bids: 1
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