February 2-27, 2023 Internet Only General Collectibles
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This is a 1950's Hobart Coffee grinder, which would have been most likely been in the local grocery store to grind your beans or coffee shop at the time. CONDITION: Shows areas of paint loss, light surface oxidation and original cord. The coffee grinder operates when plugged in, but we did not try to grind coffee beans, and as such its efficacy is unknown.

This is not a standard shippable item and will require 3rd party shipping or pickup arrangements to be made.

Condition: (Good).

Item Dimensions: 16 - 3/4" x 11 - 1/4" x 22 - 1/4".
Current Bidding
Minimum Bid: $30.00
Current Bid: $80.00
Estimate: $100 - $300
Number Bids: 1
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