May 8-10, 2024 Firearms & Militaria
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This lot is closed for bidding. Bidding ended on 5/10/2024
Contemporary copy of a manuscript, 2 pages, legal folio, written by Commander John Marshall, of an agreement of parole drawn up between the captured British officers of the HMS Java and Commodore William Bainbridge of the Constitution, Bahia, Brazil, circa 1812. "We the undersigned Naval officers in the service of his Britannic Majesty, having been captured on board...the Java...taken and destroyed at sea by the United States frigate Constitution...on the 29th day of December...and having been brought to this port in the…Constitution and liberated by...Commodore Bainbridge on parole of honor, do hereby severely pledge our sacred honor as officers and gentlemen and voluntarily subject ourselves to the laws and customs of civilised nations...not to resume arms...against the Untied States of America...unless we become regularly exchanged as prisoners of war..." The document further pledges that the British officers will return to England and there be ready to surrender themselves up to the United States of America if the present agreement of parole is not ratified by the President of the United States. An excellent letter that is related to a furious encounter that was decided by superior American gunnery and resulted in praise for Bainbridge, not only for the victory, but for the humane treatment of his prisoners. The letter exhibits light edge wear with fold lines slightly visible. Legible writing that is not affected by staining. Former Dr. John K. Lattimer Collection. CONDITION: Good.

Item Dimensions: 13" X 9"
Book Excerpt
Current Bidding
Minimum Bid: $400.00
Final prices include buyers premium: $1,750.00
Estimate: $800 - $1,200
Number Bids: 15
Auction closed on Friday, May 10, 2024.
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