January 28-29 2017 Premier Coin-Op & Gambling
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This lot is closed for bidding. Bidding ended on 1/29/2017
This fun skill game is played by turning the right knob to kick a pinball into play. Using the left knob, the player tries to catch the ball after it bounces through a series of pins. Caught balls are given ten points and returned back into play. The oak cabinet has an MDF back with a lock. The top sign and knobs are cast aluminum. The reverse on glass painted graphics have some paint loss due to normal wear and tear. One key is included. Circa 1955.

Condition: (Very Good).

Item Dimensions: 25"T. x 14-1/2"W. x 11"D.
Current Bidding
Minimum Bid: $75.00
Final prices include buyers premium: $450.00
Estimate: $300 - $500
Number Bids: 16
Auction closed on Sunday, January 29, 2017.
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