October 21st & 22nd 2017 Coin-Op & Advertising
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This lot is closed for bidding. Bidding ended on 10/22/2017
This lot of two consists of 1¢ Groetchen Tool trade stimulators both circa 1941 in working condition, sharing dimensions of 7-1/2"T x 8"W x 9"D. 1- named "Wings" is in good condition. Colored silver with red-orange painted accented features and trades a penny for cigarettes after winning either 3-5 of a kind on a 5 reel card strip. No keys. 1- named "Klix" is silver with slight fading of red and blue paint. Plays like regular blackjack with the objective to beat the hand. Two keys are provided.

Condition: (Good).

Item Dimensions: 7-1/2"T x 8"W x 9"D.
Current Bidding
Minimum Bid: $100.00
Final prices include buyers premium: $450.00
Estimate: $400 - $800
Number Bids: 11
Auction closed on Sunday, October 22, 2017.
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