October 21st & 22nd 2017 Coin-Op & Advertising
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This lot is closed for bidding. Bidding ended on 10/22/2017
After inserting 4 quarters, the individual is allowed to print on metal whatever they please but is limited to 36 spaces. The central dial chooses what letter or number the individual would like. The left lever is to print and the lever at the right indicates when one is finished to obtain their metal piece. The mint green cabinet is mostly wood with a metal front. Aged throughout with some visible scratches and wear along the bottom edge. Two keys are provided.

Condition: (Good).

Item Dimensions: 60"T x 80-1/2"W x 19"D.
Current Bidding
Minimum Bid: $75.00
Final prices include buyers premium: $720.00
Estimate: $300 - $800
Number Bids: 21
Auction closed on Sunday, October 22, 2017.
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