October 21st & 22nd 2017 Coin-Op & Advertising
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This lot is closed for bidding. Bidding ended on 10/22/2017
This is a two piece set, the top and stand is painted in an inviting bright red with bold white lettering, reading "Strike Up The Band" at the center and "The Worlds Smallest Band" stretched across the bottom. When in operation, the gold curtains slowly move away from the center, showcasing a dazzling musical performance. Features an instrumental band of 7 fine looking gentlemen, dressed handsomely in their green blazers. Hand painted but shows bubbling. Tropical background in blue. Lonesome microphone stand reads "NBC" possibly missing front man singer. A fantastic piece overall, however, music does not play. Two keys are provided with extra parts.

Condition: (Very Good).

Item Dimensions: 61"T x 45-1/2"W x 23"D.
Current Bidding
Minimum Bid: $900.00
Final prices include buyers premium: $8,060.00
Estimate: $3,500 - $6,000
Number Bids: 10
Auction closed on Sunday, October 22, 2017.
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