June 25-28, 2018 Firearms
This lot is closed for bidding. Bidding ended on 6/27/2018
Gun (A) is a Danzig made gun dated 1915. All numbers are matching. There does not appear to be a number inside the hand guard. Retains a pleasing dirty patina overall. All markings are clear. No foreign marks. Not import marked. This is a straight World War I GEW. Stock has some dings and handling marks, good cartouches. Bore is dark with strong rifling. Fine mechanical function. Missing the cleaning rod and both trigger guard small locking screws. Hard to find matching gun. Gun (B) is a 1915 dated Spandau that went through a 1920 Weimar rework. 1920 date on stock. S/42G marked rear sight collar. Czech made bolt. Matching numbers on stock, barrel, receiver, trigger guard, and floorplate. Other numbers are not matching per refurbish. Retains 85% refinish. Markings are legible but some are weak. Caliber marked between straps of front band on barrel. Incorrect cleaning rod. Good mechanical function. Bore is dark with strong rifling showing wear. Presents well aesthetically. Gun (C) is a Spandau 1917 that has been reworked by the Turks. Turkish made bolt, stock, and numerous other parts. Gun shows heavy wear consistent with Turkish used guns. Receiver markings are worn but legible. Receiver number has been restamped. Import marked. Good mechanical function. Bore is dark and very worn with visible rifling.
(A) Danzig (B) Spandau (C) Spandau
Serial Number
(A) 9344u (B) 8215 (C) 3546