June 25-28, 2018 Firearms
This lot is closed for bidding. Bidding ended on 6/28/2018
French Unique 7.65 with Turkish markings. Intended for WW1 use with correct leather belt holster. Condition very good with over 90% of the factory blue finish remaining. Bore and mechanics are fine leather holster has good stitching and leather is supple. Scarce gun in this condition.
(B) Post WW1 production French PARAMOUNT. Cal 7.65 with brown leather holster. Made for export as is marked SPAIN. Hard rubber grips . One of the UNIQUE pattern pistols that where very successfull imediately post WW1. Condition, Good overall as blue finish is very thin with about 30% remainining. Bore nad mechanics are very good Leather holster is good with good stitching and supple leather.
(C) German Post WW1 "STENDA WERKE " 7.65 pistol. Blue finish with hard rubber grips with the Stenda (STW) logo in center. Excellent bore and mechanics and has what appears to be the apropriate leather holster. that has good stitching and leather is rigid but stable.
All With Holsters
Barrel Length
3 - 1/2"; 3"; 3 - 1/4".
7.65; 7.65; 7.65.
Paramount; Waffenfabrik; Pypennes Hendaye.
1915; Stenda; Unique.
Serial Number
46921; 65268; 106976.