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The live portion of this session begins on Monday, October 5, 2015.
RARE CASED COLT TRANSITIONAL BABY DRAGOON PERCUSSION REVOLVER. COLT BABY DRAGOON 12326 31 Cal. 31. This rare 1850 manufactured Baby Dragoon has desirable 6" bbl, 2-line New York address and brackets with rolled stagecoach holdup scene. Displayed in fine and rare Baby Dragoon Colt casing with formed upper partition with curves to fit loading arm pivot and the trigger guard. Gun appears orig and matching with crisp markings and fully discernible cylinder scene. CONDITION: Gun is very good overall with matching SNs. Metal is grey/brown overall with scattered staining & pitting with traces of orig finish in protected areas. Backstrap and trigger guard retain about 30% orig silver plate. Stocks are well fit retaining about 80% of their thin orig varnish with edge wear. Stocks retain matching last digits of SN inked in backstrap channel. The bottom ear holding loading assembly latch has been repaired, otherwise gun appears "as found". Mechanically gun functions well with crisp well defined bore with pitting especially at muzzle. Mahogany casing is in matching, very good condition with double-sided eagle flask with Colt's Patent retaining some orig varnish, but overall mustard colored patina. Orig pack of cartridges with good label though cracked at hinges with broken cartridges and loose powder. Colt L-shaped gun tool is also very good retaining much of its orig finish though dulled. 2-cavity iron Colts Patent bullet mold with sprue cutter is for a later model and in average condition. Japanned Eley Brothers cap tin is also very good retaining some most orig finish though darkened. 49254-16 JS (7,500-10,500)
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Minimum Bid: $0.00
Current Bid: $0.00
Estimate: $7,500 - $10,500
Number Bids: 0
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