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The live portion of this session begins on Monday, October 5, 2015.
LARGE ARCHIVE FROM BATTLE OF LITTLE BIGHORN SURVIVOR WINFIELD SCOTT EDGERLY.Winfield Scott Edgerly was a survivor of the Battle of the Little Bighorn serving as Lt. with Troop D under Reno's command. He would later see action with the 7th Cavalry at the Battle of Wounded Knee. He rose to the rank of Brigider General and retired just prior to WWI. This archive includes fine framed vellum commission signed by Pres. Chester Arthur in 1883 when Edgerly became Capt. in the 7th US Cavalry, fine framed 9" x 11" photograph, about 30 orig documents and letters including a fine 2-pg autographed letter written Jul. 1883, just prior to promotion to Captain, and a rare letter from Libby Custer to Edgerly's wife written in Mar. 1877 which is quite sentimental concerning the memories of General Custer and his officers killed less than a year earlier at the Little Bighorn. Edgerly graduated from West Point in 1870 and was appointed 2nd Lieutenant in the 7th US Calvary and stayed with that unit for most of his career. Among the albums of Edgerly family memorabilia include articles and newspaper clippings concerning Edgerly & Custer along with several photographs and letters from Edgerly, obituary, various special orders and receipts. Also included is a copy of Scalp Dance, The Edgerly Papers on the Battle of the Little Big Horn. by George Clark, 1985. The commission in this archive is pictured on rear end paper of this scarce book. This is a very interesting archive with much ephemera from one of the most important surviving officers in Reno's Fight. CONDITION: Commission is very fine as framed with discernible signatures & text. Framed photograph is also very good as framed. Letters are overall very good. The Libby Custer letter is trimmed at top written on thin glassine paper with dark blue ink which is easily discerned. (It is interesting to note that Libby wrote her name as "Mrs. G.A. Custer" at top.) Interested parties should view this archive as the majority of pieces are very good to fine, however there are scattered areas of soiling, foxing & acid burn associated with such a large grouping of paper & ephemera. 49679-1 JS (8,000-12,000)
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Minimum Bid: $0.00
Current Bid: $0.00
Estimate: $8,000 - $12,000
Number Bids: 0
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