April 2nd 2011 Doll (04)
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This lot is closed for bidding. Bidding ended on 4/1/2011
Large hard plastic Ideal “Toni” P-93, with long blonde hair, lashed blue sleeping eyes rosy cheeks (small cheek rub), original cotton dress with attached apron and slip, replaced shoes and socks; unmarked mama doll, compo head, shoulder plate, arms and legs on cloth body (compo needs cleaning), original dress and underwear; Effanbee Lovums tossle head on Patsy Ann body, correct factory combination, (redressed, finger wear, light crazing, one eye crackled); rare “Patsy” shoulder head doll, sparse mohair wig, clear sleeping eyes (overall crazing), cloth mama body, composition limbs (crazing).

Condition: (Fair - Good).

Item Dimensions: Largest: 23" T.
Current Bidding
Minimum Bid: $25.00
Final prices include buyers premium: $144.00
Estimate: $100 - $300
Number Bids: 2
Auction closed on Friday, April 1, 2011.
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