January 26, 2024 Brian Lebel's Old West Auction
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This lot is closed for bidding. Bidding ended on 1/26/2024
Made for and worn by Manuel Ãvila Camacho, President of Mexico from 1940-1946, these important Polainas (leggings) came from the estate of the renowned Mexican politician and military leader, as evidenced by his initials "MAC" in piteado cactus fiber embroidery at the top of each fine deerskin leg. Leggings are artfully trimmed in fine leather with piteado floral and Greek key designs and attach via bone and brass buckles. Excellent condition, circa 1940s.

Manuel Ãvila Camacho (April 24 1897 - October 13 1955) was a Mexican politician and military leader who served as the President of Mexico from 1940 to 1946. Despite participating in the Mexican Revolution and achieving a high rank, he came to the presidency of Mexico because of his direct connection to General Lázaro Cárdenas and served him as a right-hand man as his Chief of his General Staff during the Mexican Revolution and afterwards. He was called affectionately by Mexicans "The Gentleman President" ("El Presidente Caballero"). As President, he pursued national policies of unity, adjustment, and moderation. His administration completed the transition from military to civilian leadership, ended confrontational anticlericalism, reversed the push for socialist education, and restored a working relationship with the US during World War II.

Item Dimensions: Leggings w/ Stand: 13" x 15 - 1/2" x 27".
Current Bidding
Minimum Bid: $750.00
Final prices include buyers premium: $2,400.00
Estimate: $1,500 - $2,000
Number Bids: 17
Auction closed on Friday, January 26, 2024.
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