January 26, 2024 Brian Lebel's Old West Auction
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This lot is closed for bidding. Bidding ended on 1/26/2024
Made in the early 1950s for real estate and auto dealership mogul, Art Miller of Yucca Valley, California, these unique, non-operational Winchester rifles - one 1894, the other an 1873 - were mounted on Miller's 1950s Pontiac and are fully overlaid and precision engraved by Bohlin master engraver, Bud Phillips. They feature "A.M." in gold letters on the side of the buttstock. Starting life as a 73 rifle in .44 W.C.F. and a 94 in .30 W.C.F. these have been drilled and welded.

Bud Phillips accepted an apprenticeship with the Bohlin shop at 5760 Sunset Blvd in the late 1930s, eventually working for the illustrious Hollywood silversmith for nearly five decades. He became one of the masters working in the creation of the Wrigley, Lyndon Johnson and other stellar rigs. As Bohlin's premier engraver, Bud was responsible for fulfilling the exacting standards set by his uncompromising employer. Phillip's later recalled to Bohlin author and expert, James Nottage, that "Mr. Bohlin had a real temper wanting things done in only one way - his way." As a similar perfectionist, Art Miller insisted that Phillips work exclusively on the creation of the exquisite Bohlin mounted silver accessories for his custom vehicles and the dazzling results are quite evident.
Current Bidding
Minimum Bid: $2,000.00
Final prices include buyers premium: $10,455.00
Estimate: $4,000 - $6,000
Number Bids: 22
Auction closed on Friday, January 26, 2024.
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