February 14-16, 2024 Toy & General Collectibles
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This lot is closed for bidding. Bidding ended on 2/14/2024
Very attractive and very early 11" French fashion shoulder head with inset blue eyes, closed mouth with V-shaped painted upper lip. It has no markings whatsoever; however, based on others known that are marked, it has somewhat of a resemblance of those made by Barrois. The head is mounted to a French leather firm body with separately stitched fingers and no gussets at joints, thereby having relatively straight legs with a slight curve. She still retains what is left of the original dark blonde mohair wig, which is upswept, with curls drooping down on each side. The outer costume is a dark midnight blue two-piece walking suit made of thin antique silk with pleated bottom at the skirt. The undergarments appear to be of antique cotton, gauze and lace, and on the very interior, there seems to be some other - perhaps older - outfits made of silk, which is deteriorating, but they have left it in place to help pad out the undergarments. She also has very nice side button antique leather boots with slight heel. The chapeau she wears is also simple, but antique, with cloth flowers. Dangling from her neck, there is an old pair of opera glasses and a chatelaine. She is accompanied by an 8" circa 1890s small shoulder head china low brow, with antique china arms and legs, and a printed body with the alphabet imposed as the outer cover. She also is dressed in all antique costume, simple, but period. CONDITION: Overall very good and as described.

Condition: (Very Good)

Item Dimensions: Largest: 12" T.
Current Bidding
Minimum Bid: $450.00
Final prices include buyers premium: $896.00
Estimate: $900 - $1,200
Number Bids: 8
Auction closed on Friday, February 16, 2024.
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