November 12th 2011 Doll Sale (15)
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This lot is closed for bidding. Bidding ended on 11/11/2011
“Rembrandt” a family doll directly from a West Coast estate. Unmarked bisque socket head but apparently by Simon & Halbig, their mold 1308 C. Several different face versions of the 1308 mold have been documented with different letters. This fellow has a solid dome head with a wavy blonde mohair wig, and wonderful detailed character face modeling -- thick molded light brown eyebrows, deeply inset eye sockets with molded upper eyelids, wrinkles at outer eye corners and inset blue threaded glass eyes, pointed nose and closed mouth with very full light brown molded mustache covering his upper lip, molded age lines on his lower face, cleft in his chin. Original composition and wood jointed body; his black wool suit with white collar and cuffs, black felt hat and black leather over-the-knee boots all appear original. Sticker on his back says “Rembrandt from Holland. Mary from Aunt Lizzie.“ Certainly a most desirable and rare doll, a spectacular drawing card and asset to any museum or private collection.

Condition: (Excellent).

Item Dimensions: 15" T (with wig & hat).
Current Bidding
Minimum Bid: $2,500.00
Final prices include buyers premium: $13,200.00
Estimate: $10,000 - $15,000
Number Bids: 2
Auction closed on Friday, November 11, 2011.
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