November 12th 2011 Doll Sale (15)
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This lot is closed for bidding. Bidding ended on 11/11/2011
Appears to be an early J.D. Kestner doll, from 1840-50s, as evidenced by the Kestner sample book pages from that period published by Christiane Gräfnitz in her book on these dolls. Papier-mâché head with molded and painted black hair with center part and waves down over ears and molded and braided bun in back; original straw bonnet with attached silk floss brown braids falling to below her waist in back; stately face with blue painted eyes, black eyelash line, arched eyebrows, slender nose, and closed mouth; original peg-wood fully jointed body with painted white lower arms and legs with blue flat shoes. All factory original clothing with blouse, petticoat, skirt, weskit and apron. Fantastic, early doll, originally sold by Morphy’s in October 2008. Overall dusty. Seldom does a doll of this age and condition appear for sale!

Condition: (Very Good).

Item Dimensions: 7 - 1/2" T.
Current Bidding
Minimum Bid: $250.00
Final prices include buyers premium: $1,770.00
Estimate: $1,000 - $1,500
Number Bids: 1
Auction closed on Friday, November 11, 2011.
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