October 27-30, 2023 Coin Op & Advertising, Las Vegas
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This lot is closed for bidding. Bidding ended on 10/27/2023
DSP. Maker marked "Tenn. En. Mfg." A nice example of this c. 1939 sign featuring an art deco syrup dispenser from Coca-Cola with original cast iron hanging brackets. CONDITION: Side 1 retains great color and gloss with light scuffing and scratching in a few places around the field. The extreme bottom border has porcelain chipping and an added hole. The original mounting holes have some porcelain loss but they do retain original hanging brackets (8.8). Side 2 also retains great color and shine with similar scuffing in a few areas throughout the field. The bottom edge and the mounting holes share similar porcelain loss (8.8). In total, this sign displays great, has awesome graphics and would be a great piece for anyone's collection.

Condition: (8.8, 8.8).

Item Dimensions: 26-1/4" X 26-1/4"
Current Bidding
Minimum Bid: $750.00
Final prices include buyers premium: $1,800.00
Estimate: $1,500 - $3,000
Number Bids: 9
Auction closed on Monday, October 30, 2023.
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