October 27-30, 2023 Coin Op & Advertising, Las Vegas
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This lot is closed for bidding. Bidding ended on 10/27/2023
DST. C. 1930s rippled tin "Security Fireproof Storage" double-sided painted metal neon sign, with outstanding Art Deco look. CONDITION: Side 1, has excellent color and shine throughout, with areas of very minor paint loss and surface staining on both the field and the outer edge. The sign has significant areas of touch-up in the lettering, as well as on the outside edges. The glass is intact, working and lights red. (7.9). Side 2, has the Art Deco rippled tin topper, but the face of the sign has been added and is not the original rippled tin. The original Art Deco rippled tin topper is attached. Sign has good color throughout, with areas of touch-up and staining throughout both the field and the outer edges. The neon lights red. (Restored). The can is in excellent structural condition, with no sign of rust or rot. It has had newly-added working electrical.

This is not a standard shippable item and will require 3rd party shipping or pickup arrangements to be made.

Condition: (7.9, Restored).

Item Dimensions: 18" X 68" X 48"
Current Bidding
Minimum Bid: $1,500.00
Final prices include buyers premium: $2,091.00
Estimate: $3,000 - $6,000
Number Bids: 4
Auction closed on Monday, October 30, 2023.
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