October 27-30, 2023 Coin Op & Advertising, Las Vegas
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This lot is closed for bidding. Bidding ended on 10/27/2023
C. 1930, RCA Victor Records. An early store window display for RCA records. Masonite construction with a great graphic of a record on a wood easel. The record has pegs to display five 78 RPM record sleeves, or it can also hold 33 RPM records. Comes with several records for display, but collectors will want to show their best LPs. CONDITION: Showing light wear to the wood frame and to the display itself. A repair has been made to the bottom sign that could be improved upon. These window displays were made to be thrown away; this survivor represents a unique opportunity to acquire a great display for your best records.

This is not a standard shippable item and will require 3rd party shipping or pickup arrangements to be made.

Condition: (8.5).

Item Dimensions: 48" x 51 - 1/2"
Current Bidding
Minimum Bid: $500.00
Final prices include buyers premium: $1,280.00
Estimate: $1,000 - $3,000
Number Bids: 12
Auction closed on Monday, October 30, 2023.
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