May 8-10, 2024 Firearms & Militaria
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This lot is closed for bidding. Bidding ended on 5/8/2024
Produced in 2009 by Gordon Herigstad, these cases were designed with the Thompson lover and enthusiast in mind. Primarily designed for the original Colt Thompsons, they will fit the 1921A, 1921AC, 1928 Navy, and also will the 1928A1. If your Thompson has a sling, it will still fit if you fold the sling under the compensator. This case will accommodate one each of a “C” drum and “L” drum as well as four stick mags of either 20 rounds or 30 rounds. There is also a small rectangle designed to accommodate a box of cartridges. There is a fabric cover included that will protect your gun from rubbing against the inside top of the case, and also can serve to protect your gun when you place it on a surface. According to Herigstad, if one wants to carry their M1 or M1A1 Thompson in this case, they need only lift out the divider board from the center, lay the fabric cover into the bottom, and then place the (non-compensator equipped) gun in place. Herigstad ordered a brass plate with a consecutive number starting at “41” to be affixed to each case. This is case number “45”. PROVENANCE: From the personal and advanced collection of Dr. Jim Watson of Scottsdale, Arizona. CONDITION: Near mint throughout, with no evidence of a gun ever being placed into it, with some wrinkles in the formed top felt inside the lid. This may be the way all of these cases were formed. This is one of those items I have heard many Thompson collectors state, “I wish I had purchased one when they were available.” Well, these surface for sale VERY infrequently, and almost never separate from a gun. This is about as nice a specimen as one could ever hope to find. For the Thompson collector who appreciates quality as well as functionality. As one bystander at a range once said, “Surely your Thompson deserves the best possible case to transport it in.” JWK 2024-05-045
Current Bidding
Minimum Bid: $250.00
Final prices include buyers premium: $3,690.00
Estimate: $500 - $1,000
Number Bids: 27
Auction closed on Friday, May 10, 2024.
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