October 29, 30, & 31, 2020 Coin-Op & Advertising
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This lot is closed for bidding. Bidding ended on 10/31/2020
This is a large tin sign for Phillip Morris Cigarettes, depicting the Phillip Morris Bellboy as well as a pack of Phillip Morris Cigarettes. This is a U.S. sign in bright red and yellow colors. It shows significant additional nail mounting holes on the left and right-hand sides of the sign and some bends and folds to the metal, however the graphic is in bright color and with some scratches and rubs to the paint.

Condition: (6.5 - 7.0).

Item Dimensions: 45 - 3/4" x 16" x 1/4".
Current Bidding
Minimum Bid: $200.00
Final prices include buyers premium: $553.50
Estimate: $400 - $600
Number Bids: 13
Auction closed on Saturday, October 31, 2020.
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