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The live portion of this session begins on Monday, August 24, 2015.
UNIQUE PHOTO OF ELIZABETH (LIBBIE) CUSTER AND MARGARET CUSTER CALHOUN FROM DESCENT FROM LIBBIE CUSTER.Photograph, probably unique and previously unpublished, of Elizabeth (Libbie) Custer, wife of George Armstrong Custer. 4"x6". Mounted on a card. Seated at right, dressed in full length, black dress is Elizabeth Custer. Standing left, wearing a diagonally-striped dress is Custer's sister Margaret Custer Calhoun. A piece of paper is pasted to the back of the card and it reads "427 West 11th St Kansas City Mo. Jan 1917. Madam, I am returning the picture that my daughter got in Lincoln, I found in my trunk that has been around the world and San Francisco, and then New York via the Suez Canal. I think maybe you would like to have it. Very Respectfully Thomas Ferrill. Additional notes of Jan 1917 and 7th Cav-1846 found in upper and lower right corners. In addition is an envelope with a note dated on Executive Mansion stationery addressed to Mrs. Gen Custer/41 East 10th St. thanking Mrs. Custer for a gift she gave to "Mr. Harrison." Postmarked 3-22-89. SIZE: 4" x 6". PROVENANCE: General George A and Elizabeth Custer, Margaret Flood (Libbie Custer's personal assistant), Spink Smythe, Lot 316, May 23, 2013. CONDITION: The image is stained at right, otherwise clear and sharp. The back of the card has some stains and the corners are rounded. 48441-4 JS (2,000-3,000)
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Minimum Bid: $0.00
Current Bid: $0.00
Estimate: $2,000 - $3,000
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