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The live portion of this session begins on Monday, August 24, 2015.
ENVELOPE WRITTEN BY GEORGE ARMSTRONG CUSTER WHICH CONTAINED THE LETTER ASKING PERMISSION OF JUDGE DANIEL BACON FOR LIBBIE'S HAND IN MARRIAGE.From direct family descent are found two envelopes addressed to Judge Daniel Bacon along with a fine CDV of Judge Bacon taken in 1862 docketed in pencil (by Margaret Flood, Libbie Custer's personal assistant), on the October 18th dated "Autie's letter asking his permission to marry his daughter". Second envelope is docketed "Letter thanking father for his consent...". It is noted that Judge Bacon wanted better for Libbie than a soldier and it took lots of urging. These are the only personal effects of George & Libbie Custer's concerning proposal to one of America's most iconic couples. Libbie Custer, after George's death at Little Big Horn, spent the rest of her life immortalizing her husband's memory. Margaret Flood inherited after Libbie's death, many of her personal items including letters and ephemora. Margaret Flood most assuredly assisted Margaurite Merington in her book published in 1950, The Custer Story: The Life and Intimate Letters of General George A. Custer and His Wife Elizabeth. The whereabouts of the original letters are unknown. SIZE: Varies. PROVENANCE: Libbie Custer, Margaret Flood - 1933, Spinks - August 24, 2012. CONDITION: Very good overall. CDV has clipped corners. 34998-84 JS (4,000-5,000)
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Estimate: $4,000 - $5,000
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