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The live portion of this session begins on Monday, August 24, 2015.
14 POSTAL COVERS ADDRESSED IN GENERAL G.A. CUSTER'S HAND AND COVERS ADDRESSED TO GENERAL CUSTER DESCENT FROM LIBBIE CUSTER.This lot consists of 9 covers addressed to "Mrs. General G.A. Custer", "Mrs. General Custer" or "Miss Libbie Bacon" all in Custer's hand such that you have a virtual signature on the two covers addressed Mrs. General G. A. Custer. There are 5 envelopes addressed to General Custer from various prominent generals. There is a note also included in Libbie Custer's hand: "Motto on General Custer's Spanish sword. Motto on General Custer's captured Spanish sword." Do not draw me without cause. Do not sheath me without honor." Note: this inscription is found on the captured Confederate Kraft, Goldschmidt & Kraft Cavalry Officers saber that Custer carried after its capture in 1862-63. This sword has been on display for many years at the Custer Battlefield Museum at Little Big Horn. Also included is a newspaper clipping stating Libbie Custer's death and how Custer's historic objects were being dispersed to museums. There is also a sheet with 2" high penciled and traced monogram of the General's initials in script of unknown origin. SIZE: PROVENANCE: General George A and Elizabeth Custer, Margaret Flood (Libbie Custer's personal assistant), Spink Smythe, Multiple Lots, May 22-23, 2013. CONDITION: Good overall. Soiling, several envelopes with jagged edges. Several covers written to Custer have the sources they came from: General Sherman, General Sheridan, General Terry, General Miles. 48441-13 JS (8,000-12,000)
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Minimum Bid: $0.00
Current Bid: $0.00
Estimate: $8,000 - $12,000
Number Bids: 0
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